Eating Disorder Specialist Psychological Therapist, Training Provider, and Clinical Supervisor
07858 106 063
~ Free 20 Minute Consultation ~ Personalised Expertise ~ Flexible Appointment Times ~
2024: Doctor of Psychological Therapies:
Manchester Metropolitan University
2024: MANTRA Certified Therapist
2023: SSCM Trained Therapist
2021: Registered BACP Member
2020: CBT-E Trained Therapist
2019: MSc Psychological Wellbeing in Clinical Practice:
Manchester Metropolitan University
2017: BSc Hons Psychology: University of Manchester
2022 - Ongoing: Clinical Lead
Stockport NHS Adult Community Eating Disorder Service
2020 – 2022: Psychological Therapist
Stockport NHS Adult Community Eating Disorder Service
2020: Team Leader & Social Recovery Practitioner
Humankind Charity, Manchester
2019: Associate Lecturer
Manchester Metropolitan University
2015 - 2020: Editor and Creative Consultant
Digital Eden Publishing Company, Manchester
About Me
I've known that I've wanted to be an eating disorder clinician since I was 16, when I was undertaking my own journey into ED recovery. After spending my childhood in California, I moved to England for university. I've spent the last decade completing my Doctorate, MSc, and BSc. I am proud to be able to bring the wide variety of skills I've learned and developed to my work with patients.
As a therapist, I aspire to be warm, authentic, relaxed, honest, and non-judgemental. No topic is ever off-limits and you can swear as much as you like - it's your space! I'd also definitely class myself as a bit of a nerd, and I love weaving in my knowledge about neurology, biology, evolution, and genetics into helping you better understand how your brain works, and why it might do some of the things it does (that is, only if you want to learn about the science-y stuff). I'm open to sharing and reflecting on my own experiences of recovery with you, if you want to ask about it, but importantly, our time together is about you - and us finding what will work best for your brain, your body, and your circumstances.
As a trainer, I hope to bring a lot of energy, enthusiasm and passion to the room. I also weave in my love of science as well as my own lived experience when I'm speaking or delivering training.
In my personal life, I'm lucky to live in the beautiful Peak District with country walks and lots of sheep right on my doorstep. In the summer, you'll find me out walking, painting, playing tennis, and gardening, and in the winter, I like knitting, playing board and video games, and reading.